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Most items on this page are beta only.  That means you have no reason to assume they're stable and safe to use.  By downloading them, you're acknowledging that you understand this risk and are willing to take it to play around with some new objects before Maxis has given you an official way to do so.


CEP colour enabler packages must be installed for recolours of things not designed to have different colours to work.  The CEP install EXE places one package in your \Downloads folder and another one in your \TSData\Res\Sims3D folder.

Learn more CEP and get help using it or download it from here.


To Quaxi for SimPE and for being one of the most fabulous human beings I've ever known or worked with.  To Numenor who is just amazing and generous and to RGiles for all his work on CEP and other things to help the community, and last but not least to the wonderful Pinhead and Phervers for their hard work in pioneering days making unofficial recolor downloads possible and continued help with the community.


If you're having problems with one of my packages, the best thing to do is simply delete it.  They work for me and most people that have them so on the weird off-chance you have some sorta issue with them, the quickest easiest way to resolve it is to delete it.  Make sure you don't have it saved on one of your lots before you delete it though or you may not be able to pickup leftovers, even with the moveobjects cheat.

Additional object downloads can be found in the LOT section because they're themed and go with the lot in question, such as the High School chalkboard and map or the Mayberry stuff.